©SNZP 2011

The Society of Occupational Diseases - SOD

The Society of Occupational Diseases is an organizational part of The Czech Medical Association of J.E. Purkyně. It joins together expert physicians focused on problems of probing, assessment, notification, compensation, treatment and prevention of occupational diseases. These physicians mainly work in the centres of occupational diseaes, which are health centres authorized by the state authority to the notifications of occupational diseases of workers in cathment areas. Bat many other members of this society are general practicioners, neurologists, alergologists, pneumologists, dermatologists, who are interested in problems of occupational medicine.

The Society of Occupational Diseases endeavours standartization of diagnosis and treatment progress of occupational diseases and unification of advisory criterions. Society of Occupational Diseases organizes meetings and congresses, where these topics are discussed and also solved precedent examples complicated from diagnosis or assessment point of view. These meetings also serve to presentations of research results and experience expert exchange.

Society of Occupational Diseases suggests legislative changes, which are to improve process of notification and compensation of occupational diseases as well as preventional health care provided to work force. It proclaims its attitudes to legislative proceedings suggested by competent institutions and takes its place in fulfilling and autorization of these directives.

Society of Occupational Diseases gives instruction manuals how to advance in diagnostic, advisory and preventional activity. It cooperates with other expert medical associations,which provide health care to workers on working places, control their health abilities to work, visit working places.

Society of Occupational Diseases was founded in year 2001 in one hand with changes of Czech health care and applying of new ideas in providing of health care to working people. Since then it has organized four internationally presented congresses of occupational diseases and very many other expert and educational meetings.

It has its deal in editing Occupational Medicine Journal. Once in a month its members or representatives of working places meet on consultation meetings, where they solve actual questions of assessments and prevention of professional demage of health.